
Illustrator & Stop Motion Animator

About Me

Hi! My name is Ellie and I am a London based illustrator and stop motion animator who is inspired by retro and vintage pop culture and aesthetics. I am a huge fan of music and film and this will always influence my work in one way or another. I specialise in semi realistic digital portrait illustrations, but enjoy experimenting with new styles when I can. The majority of my artwork is sketched in a physical sketchbook and then completed in Procreate for iPad.

I adore stop motion animation and its a passion I am interested in pursuing as a career in the future. I am Aardman Academy alumnus and have completed two of their online training courses, as well as volunteered my animation skills on a National Film and Television School graduate film. My career goal is to work as a junior animator or art assistant on a feature stop motion film.

links / socials

If you'd like to work with me, drop me an email here!